Friday, October 30, 2009

Canadian Stock Alerts - October 30, 2009

Canadian Stock Alerts Update:

MOLY MINES LIMITED - MOL.TO @ .84 on 3.3 million shares traded

MOL is another one of those pull back stocks. Pulled back on recent news, knee jerk reaction on a Friday is selling the stock off it's recent highs. When calmer heads prevail buyers come back, or at least many times they do. So it really is a personal choice after assessing the news as to "is this a pullback opportunity" or not. Remember I'm not a stock picker, just someone who sees volume trends that can sometimes offer a rewarding direction.


There is a link below to my Best Stocks For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.

>>> Best Stocks For Easy Profits - Special Offer


  1. Penny stock is a common stock that trades for less than five dollars a share and is traded over the counter OTC through quotation services such as the OTC Bulletin Board or the Pink Sheets.

    stock alerts

  2. I have observed that the business news and newspapers do not give any useful info about penny stock
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