Friday, August 28, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 28, 2009
FIELDEX EXPLORATION - FLX.V @ .19 on 1.5 million shares traded
A great volume response to today's news "Fieldex announces high grade rare earth elements on Lac Sairs property"
There are only 49 million shares available (fully diluted) 52 week range is .03 to .15 , so they are breaking new ground with today's share prices.
There is a link below to my Best Stocks For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.
>>> Best Stocks For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 27, 2009
TROYMET EXPLORATION CORP - TYE.V @ .055 on 721,000 shares traded
I mentioned TYE recently and it ran nicely from .045 to .11 and has since pulled back as everyone waits on a JV news release. I mention it today as it has come back from .04 this morning to where the ask is now at .06 .. so it appears that a quiet accumulation is underway here today ... keep an eye .. it could be breaking out again.
There is a link below to my Best Stocks For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.
>>> Best Stocks For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 27, 2009
KLONDIKE SILVER CORP - KS.V @ .06 on 2.2 million shares traded
KS has terrific volume early, based on today's news "Klondike Silver Corp. Discovers Western Extension of Lode Structure on Initial Underground Drilling of Silvana Mine"
There are over 1 million shares on the bid @ .055 - Support seems strong. Keep an eye on pullbacks ..
An audio interview summarizing this release has been prepared with the Company's Mine Manager, Steve Phillips, is available through AGORACOM Investor Relations via the following link (link will go live at approximately 11:30am EST, August 27, 2009):
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 26, 2009
GREAT WESTERN MINERALS - GWG.V @ .255 on 2.7 million shares traded
GWG has been on an absolute tear lately, trading 10 million shares yesterday between .20 and .28 with the strong volume, pullback opportunities are present.
The excitement yesterday was this headline "Great Western Minerals Group Closes Private Placement"
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 25, 2009
RICHMOND MINERALS - RMD.V @ .05 on 1.3 million shares traded
The unusual volume caught my attention, opened at .035 and is now at .05 .. the interest may be RMD's proximity to the CLQ property (CLQ @ .71 is a Lithium play). Level II shows decent support at .04 .. As always do your own due diligence .. watching on any pullbacks here.
RMD has a few projects, including their Highway 101 Property
"Barrick's Pangea gold occurrence is located immediately to the east of the
Highway 101 Property. Reserves on the Barrick ground have been described as
a probable 1.95 million tons grading 5.13 grams per ton. "
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 25, 2009
NETWORK EXPLORATION - NET.V @ .08 on 10 million shares traded
Here's a snapshot of Network from an article I posted on Seeking Alpha
Canadian Stock Alerts - Network Exploration Limited
I first blogged about Network Exploration on Canadian Stock Alerts on Aug 19, 2009 when NET was .05 . I did so based purely on what looked like unusual higher trading volume. And I have continued to marvel at the strength of the trading volume.
Mining MarketWatch did a detailed review on NET recently and quite franking it became a very compelling story.
Here are a few points from the public record for due diligence purposes:
- NET has about 50 million shares outstanding
- They have properties in both Chile and the Yukon
- The Chile property is very close to the gold rich Barrick property
- The Yukon property is very close to the Underworld Resources property
- Brien Lundin of the Gold Newsletter, says hold Underworld Resources
- NET senior management are former Teck & Noranda executives
- The same senior executives are in Chile presently reviewing the property
- 34 underground wall samples have been sent for processing, results pending
- This past week house #88 has been accumulating millions of shares
Mining MarketWatch Review of Network Exploration:
Network Exploration Ltd – Recent News
Site visit for phase two evaluation; Stock Options granted
Network to commence work program in Yukon
Update to Caldera drift program
Network amends private placement
Network announces closing of acquisition
Network announces private placement
Network acquires mineral claims near Underworld's new gold discovery
CBC Video on Underworld Resources Yukon Discovery
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Monday, August 24, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 24, 2009
NETWORK EXPLORATION - NET.V @ .075 on 4.4 million shares traded
Looks like all eyes are on Network today. Volume has been very very strong. The walls at .06 , .07 and .075 have been removed as I write this at 12:35pm. House # 88 supported NET strongly last week buying millions of shares and supported it again this morning at .075 and now looks to be supporting it at .08 as well.
The 52 week high is .075 and you have to go back to May 2008 to see .10 and almost 2 years ago to see .20 ... so if the wall at .08 comes down then it looks pretty wide open & that may change of course.
This CBC video is worth watching as it mentions Underworld Resources & their Yukon gold discovery, very near where Network also has claims.
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Friday, August 21, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 21, 2009
GREAT QUEST METALS - GQ.V @ .065 on 2.5 million shares traded
GQ opened up this morning on the strength of yesterday's after the bell news. "Great Quest Reports Analyses on 26 Grab Samples from Outcrops of Phosphate Rock Average 24.50% P2 O5"
Opened at .05 and touched .08 on strong volume. Has pulled back here ... watching
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Thursday, August 20, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 20, 2009
NETWORK EXPLORATION - NET.V @ .055 on 6.4 million shares traded
I first mentioned Network Exploration yesterday morning at 10:30am based on their unusually higher than normal trading volume. This may be one to watch closely today. Mining MarketWatch did a review on NET and I wanted to share some of what they said, which may be driving this volume.
As always, do your own due diligence.
Notes from the Editor on Featured Article:
Undervalued Opinion: Network Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: NET) possesses a stretch of highly mineralized gold bearing hills surrounding a copper-gold porphyry caldera in Chile, aptly named their 'Caldera' project. The hills host several abandoned mines that stand testimony to gold bearing breccia that exists within; the abandoned La Blanca mine site alone is situated within a 300m x 100m silica breccia consisting of ancient stockwork with quartz-sericite alteration. La Blanca sampled well with gold values upwards of 9.24 g/t over 2m and is now the target of a 2009 drift program to better establish the geometry and volume of the gold systems ore body. Network Exploration is confident that modern exploration techniques will provide a detailed analysis of the underlying gold system on which to base possible exploitation of the mining concessions. La Blanca could conceivably host a world class deposit similar to Barrick's achievement at the nearby Pascua-Lama gold and copper project. The NET.V Caldera project shares similar stratigraphy to the Pascua-Lama gold and copper project (which contains proven and probable reserves of 17.8 million ounces of gold, 717.6 million ounces of silver, 649.5 million pounds of copper) located ~60km to the SE and also Barrick's Veladero gold mine currently in production with 12.2 million ounces of gold. Technical leadership at Network Exploration is exceptional and merits investor attention -- the former President of Teck Exploration and the former South American Exploration Manager for Noranda & former GM responsible for Latin America for Teck Peru SA; Mining MarketWatch has interviewed the Senior Geologist in charge and we are very impressed with plans and the level of confidence that exists in the La Blanca project.
The risk-reward characteristics are highly advantageous for investors establishing a long position in NET.V now, as their planned exploration campaign progresses. Mining MarketWatch has confirmed NET.V is well capitalized to meet exploration goals and near-term obligations. The current market cap of NET.V relative to the inherent value of their Caldera project seems highly disproportionate. In light of the aforementioned and the fact near term catalysts exist to facilitate justified share price revaluation, NET.V appears undervalued with only ~51M shares outstanding and trading under CDN$0.06.
Yukon Gold Claims: "Network acquires mineral claims near Underworld's new gold discovery" (June 25, 2009)
The 100% owned claims of Network Exploration are positioned lie east of Underworld Resources Inc.'s Golden Saddle zone on its White gold property where gold assay values of 4.8 g/t and 3.59 g/t have been intercepted over 10.5 and 98.3 meters. The inherent value of NET.V increases with each announcement of further high grade gold discovery results by its neighbour, Underworld Resources.
Full Article @
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 19, 2009
NETWORK EXPLORATION - NET.V @ .05 on 2.5 million shares traded
NET just popped this morning and is up 42% from the previous close of .035 .. the volume indicates it is "in play" .. they do have gold exploration in Chile presently. At 10:30am there are currently 1 million shares on the bid at .045 .. on the radar screen for now ..
Here's a must read backgrounder on Network Exploration, might help explain the new interest and today's huge spike in trading volume.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 19, 2009
GREAT WESTERN MINERALS - GWG.V @ .22 on 6.3 million shares traded
GWG has traded heavy volume since yesterday, up from .18 yesterday to .235 .. there might be a great pullback opportunity as we approach 10:30am .. if it doesn't pullback into the teens I would stay away for now ..
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Monday, August 17, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 17, 2009
NORTHERN ABITIBI MINING - NAI.V @ .165 on 866,000 shares traded
NAI had news this morning prior to the open "Northern Abitibi Continues to Drill High Grade Gold at Viking Including 136 Grams Per Tonne Over 0.5 Metres and 7.9 Grams Per Tonne Over 27 Metres"
Opened up at .185 and has pulled back to .165 level ... good volume this morning
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 17, 2009
BIRCHCLIFF ENERGY LIMITED - BIR.TO @ 6.45 on 174,000 shares traded
I have followed Birchcliff Energy Limited (T.BIR) for over a year and notice a definite pattern. I can't tell the the exact share price range, as it does fluctuate, but once you start to follow the pattern you'll see what I see.
Birchcliff Energy can give you a .40 swing in price over a few days to a week with relative ease. Meaning that if you buy 2,000 shares, at the lower end of the range, you could net $800.00
I only say this to share what more sophisticated day traders are starting to do. Sure they can have a terrific day with Aura Silver Resources (like they did on Friday, watching it open at .15 & running to over .50). But many are also developing alternative trading methods, once they start accumulating some larger cash positions.
On Friday last BIR traded in that lower range I mentioned and near Friday's close of trading, it started to move up again .. this week it looks to be trading up from Friday's low of $6.30
There will be days when nothing seems worth trading, but then there is Birchcliff Energy as an example, that has come into your buying range, so you can trade that because you have studied it's pattern. And generally, but not always, it becomes a safer trade, because you bought it at the lower end of the trading range.
Now, after saying that, I would welcome your suggestions of other stocks that fit that "swing trade" model. It's always nice to have 4 or 5 swing trade candidates at the ready.
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Friday, August 14, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 14, 2009
FIRST LITHIUM RESOURCES - MCI.V @ .215 on 5.6 million shares traded
Lithium seems to be very hot these past few days and MCI is no exception. They traded 12 million shares yesterday between .12 & .24 and today is heavily traded as well. Their website says as of Dec 2008, they only have 22 million shares outstanding.
I mentioned MCI yesterday at .185
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 14, 2009
TROYMET EXPLORATION - TYE.V @ .065 on 700,000 shares traded
This was very hot a few days ago. They have some interesting properties. It seems to be trying to come back here today ... watching the volume .. keep an eye.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 14, 2009
AURA SILVER RESOURCES - AUU.V @ .255 on 2 million shares traded
AUU opened way up on today's news "Aura Silver Drills Silver Rich Discovery Hole - 12.1 Meters of 533 g/t Including 1.3 Meters of 2.5 Kilograms/t Silver Equivalent at Shallow Depth" it did run to .33 and has pulled back on 2 million shares traded .. this may be very active today.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 13, 2009
COMMERCE RESOURCES CORP - CCE.V @ .445 on 1.6 million shares traded
Mentioned yesterday on news of their $5 million dollar financing @ .41 Today the stock is up on good volume and closed at .445 It may run at the open. Watch for volume and the pullback.
Commerce Resources is a rare metals company. Their corporate video is worth viewing.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 13, 2009
FIRST LITHIUM RESOURCES - MCI.V @ .185 on 4.5 million shares traded
Opened @ .125 & ran to .24 & has pulled back to .185 .. best support now is @ .155
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 13, 2009
VMS VENTURES INC - VMS.V @ .315 on 964,000 shares traded
VMS popped from .265 at the open to .325 it's likley pulling back as I speak. The volume is there now .. remember that psychological price point of .29 .. it went through it, but not with enough conviction it appears .. not yet anyway. Watching ..
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 13, 2009
KAMINAK GOLD CORP - KAM.V @ .355 on 103,000 shares traded
This is early yet, they did have news this morning "Kaminak Reports New Gold Occurrences From Yukon's White District: Trenching on the Coffee Property Yields 2.30 g/t Au Over 21.0m" .. wide spread on bid & ask .355 / .38 .... we'll see if that news has any legs .. need to see volume first.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 12, 2009
COMMERCE RESOURCES CORP - CCE.V @ .41 on 555,000 shares traded
I mentioned this company two weeks ago. They announced a private placement today. The stock was as high as .52 yesterday & has pulled back. I still believe they are expecting drilling results news this month (you should call to verify that (604) 484-2700.
It's worth noting the last 3 times CCE did over a million shares in a day it was in the .48 & .52 range.
Commerce Resources is a rare metals company. Their corporate video is worth a second & third viewing in my opinion, a very unique Canadian story.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 12, 2009
PELE MOUNTAIN RESOURCES - GEM.V @ .15 on 288,000 shares traded
Still early on the volume side, bumped to .17 this morning on the strength of yesterdays good results news. Will it pullback more .. watching
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 11, 2009
PLATO GOLD CORP - PGC.V @ .05 on 9.1 million shares traded
If you followed this today you couldn't help but notice the staggering volume. There's been no news but volume of this size can't just be day traders. At the close there were 2 million shares on the bid. Day traders usually flee by days end, so why so much interest?
I don't have that answer, I only know that when I see volume of this size, I pay attention. For a variety of thoughts, you might catch some of the posts on Stockhouse. As always, do your own due diligence.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 11, 2009
PLATO GOLD CORP - PGC.V @ .05 on 7.4 million shares traded
Volume has been strong all day & pullback opportunities have been available ..
NOTE: At the close today there were 2 million shares on the bid!
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 11, 2009
PLATO GOLD CORP - PGC.V @ .07 on 2.7 million shares traded
This is already up 100% today ... but it sure has the volume .. watch for pullbacks
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Monday, August 10, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 10, 2009
TROYMET EXPLORATION - TYE.V @ .085 on 14.5 million shares traded
Well what can you say about this one! Congrats to all who caught the alert at 10:36am. This one has been a huge volume trade all day ..
lots of chatter on Stockhouse all day as well .. here's the link:
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 10, 2009
TROYMET EXPLORATION - TYE.V @ .045 on 2.5 million shares traded
Volume is way up for this junior, is it another AMADOR GOLD .. can't say for sure? No news as yet, fully diluted they have 73,763,096 shares out. Here's a link to their website
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 10, 2009
PC GOLD - PKL.TO @ .80 on 115,500 shares traded
Was over a dollar on Friday & on news today was sold down to .72 .. might be a bit of an over reaction & thus oversold. Could run back into the .90's
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Friday, August 7, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 7, 2009
ALDA PHARMACEUTICALS CORP - APH.V @ .345 on 875,000 shares traded
Traded up to .37 already on good volume. Trading based on today's news.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 08/07/09) - ALDA Pharmaceuticals Corp. (TSX-V:APH - News)(OTC.BB:APCSF - News) ("the Company" or "ALDA") announces that, in tests conducted at an independent laboratory in the US, T36� Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer has been shown to completely kill the new H1N1 Virus (Swine-like H1N1 Influenza A virus Strain A/California/04/2009) in 15 seconds or less.
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Thursday, August 6, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 6, 2009
PHARMAGAP INC - GAP.V @ .37 on 6.6 million shares traded
This is one we covered last month in the 20's and here we are again. GAP opened at .35 and did hit .435 ... we are in pullback mode trying to cross .40 again ... volume is terrific
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 6, 2009
URANIUM NORTH RESOURCES - UNR.V @ .115 on 1.3 million shares traded
Opened at .14 and moved to .16 after a halt. Volume is good & has pulled back.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 6, 2009
AMADOR GOLD CORP - AGX.V @ .07 on 6 million shares traded
Based on that one press release (see previous post below w/audio) this morning AGX has taken off. There were a few chances to buy a pullback. But the volume has been amazing, at 6 million by 12:45pm. The Amador Timmins mining camp folks must be pretty proud of their find.
Here's a quick bio on their President:
Richard W. Hughes President and Chief Executive Officer | |
![]() | Mr. Richard Hughes has been involved in the discovery of some of the largest Canadian gold mines, including the Golden Giant/Hemlo mine, the Sleeping Giant Mines and the former Balmoral Mines. He brings a wealth of experience, geological and financial knowledge to build on his many successes. Mr. Hughes is the president of six mining exploration companies currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and serves on the boards of many other resource based companies in Canada. His proven track record and extensive experience in the management of public mineral exploration companies enables Amador Gold Corp to pursue potential world class projects. |
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 6, 2009
AMADOR GOLD CORP - AGX.V @ .055 on 2.1 million shares traded
This huge spike in volume seems due to their news out this morning. Keep an eye
Here's an audio interview also about this press release
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts Update:
CONSTANTINE METAL RES - CEM.V @ .36 on 200,000 shares traded
Here you have a sleeper stock in motion:
Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | Adj Close* |
4-Aug-09 | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0.34 | 3,600 | 0.34 |
31-Jul-09 | 0.32 | 0.34 | 0.30 | 0.34 | 65,800 | 0.34 |
30-Jul-09 | 0.30 | 0.36 | 0.29 | 0.34 | 194,700 | 0.34 |
29-Jul-09 | 0.27 | 0.31 | 0.27 | 0.31 | 61,500 | 0.31 |
28-Jul-09 | 0.25 | 0.29 | 0.24 | 0.24 | 29,500 | 0.24 |
27-Jul-09 | 0.29 | 0.29 | 0.23 | 0.23 | 48,500 | 0.23 |
24-Jul-09 | 0.26 | 0.29 | 0.24 | 0.29 | 87,500 | 0.29 |
23-Jul-09 | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 103,000 | 0.25 |
22-Jul-09 | 0.23 | 0.23 | 0.23 | 0.23 | 0 | 0.23 |
21-Jul-09 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 54,500 | 0.23 |
20-Jul-09 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 12,500 | 0.22 |
17-Jul-09 | 0.20 | 0.23 | 0.20 | 0.23 | 14,000 | 0.23 |
16-Jul-09 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 12,500 | 0.20 |
15-Jul-09 | 0.20 | 0.23 | 0.18 | 0.18 | 127,300 | 0.18 |
14-Jul-09 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 12,500 | 0.17 |
>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts Update:
FIRST NICKEL INC - FNI.TO @ .16 on 1.4 million shares traded
First Nickel Discovers a New Platinum and Palladium Zone on Raglan Hills Joint Venture Property
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 5, 2009) - First Nickel Inc. ("First Nickel" or the "Company") (TSX:FNI) is pleased to report the discovery of a new zone of platinum ("Pt") and palladium ("Pd") mineralization and the confirmation of nickel ("Ni") and copper ("Cu") mineralization on the Raglan Hills Joint Venture property. The Raglan Hills property is a joint venture with Pacific North West Capital Corp., the details of the joint venture agreement were provided in a press release dated December 11, 2007.
Drilling / Discovery Results Courtesy of Stock Research Portal
>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts Update:
NORTHERN ABITIBI MINING CORP - NAI.V @ .13 on 464,000 shares traded
Northern Abitibi Drills More High Grade Gold at Viking Including 37.5 Grams Per Tonne Over 1.2 Metres and 4.1 Grams Per Tonne Over 18.2 Metres
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Aug. 5, 2009) - Northern Abitibi Mining Corp. ("Northern Abitibi") (TSX VENTURE: NAI.V) is pleased to provide assay results for drill holes 09VK-15 to 21 from its ongoing exploration program at the Viking gold property in Newfoundland. Drilling continues to intersect high grade zones of gold mineralization along with larger intervals of lower grade mineralization and the project continues to show excellent potential for near surface bulk minable zones of mineralization.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
CANADA LITHIUM CORP - CLQ.V @ .50 on 1.3 million shares traded

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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
PREMIUM EXPLORATION INC - PEM.V @ .355 on 595,000 shares traded
PEM was as high as .55 yesterday and as high as .51 just this morning. Has this just been drastically oversold in the last hour or so? No news to speak of .. could move quickly.
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
KEX is up 18% on news Kent Acquires NZ Gold Property With An Historic 643,000 Oz Gold Reserve It did hit .15 already this morning .. it has pulled back a bit here, but I do prefer more volume .. watching !!
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Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
HARVEST GOLD CORP - HVG.V @ .12 on 383,000 shares traded
I blogged earlier this morning when HVG had a drilling press release. It closed yesterday at .065 and we've essentially doubled already. Remember, no chasing it! The volume has come in early and we have to wait for a pullback.
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 5, 2009
Harvest Gold Releases Rosebud Mine Historic Drill Intercepts and Reports Progress on Rosebud JV Partner Search
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 08/05/09) - Harvest Gold Corporation (TSX-V:HVG - News) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that efforts to find a suitable joint venture partner for the Rosebud Gold Mine project are progressing well. As announced May 14, 2009, the Company has proposed a preliminary Phase I drilling program designed to test as many as eleven targets, eight of which contain historical drill intercepts, as highlighted below. The Company has met with several potential partners that have expressed interest in the project. Two Nevada gold producers are planning a review of data from the project.
Silver Standard Resources Inc.: Snowfield and Brucejack Drilling Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 08/05/09) - Silver Standard Resources Inc. (TSX:SSO - News)(NASDAQ:SSRI - News) is pleased to report initial results from the diamond drilling program underway at its wholly-owned Snowfield gold-copper project in northern British Columbia. The 2009 program includes in-fill and step-out drilling at the Snowfield Zone and drill testing of previously identified zones and prospecting for additional target areas to the south. The property is located 40 kilometers north of the town of Stewart and 15 kilometers southeast of Barrick's high-grade gold-silver mine at Eskay Creek.
Fronteer Development Group Inc.: High-Grade Gold Intersected in Footwall Zone of Sandman Gold Deposit
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 08/05/09) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. (TSX:FRG - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) announces today that Newmont USA Limited ("Newmont"), a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation, has provided the results from a further 10 holes recently drilled as part of their 2009 US$5M development program at the Sandman gold project in Nevada.
CanAlaska drills 140 ppm uranium and elevated nickel in first holes at Black Lake
VANCOUVER, Aug. 5 /CNW/ - CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSX.V - CVV) ("CanAlaska" or the "Company") has received additional results from drilling at the Platt Creek conductive trend on the Black Lake project, located within the Black Lake Denesuline First Nation Reserve on the northern rim of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan-------------------------------------------------
HVG.V closed @ .065
SSO.TO closed @ $22.70
FRG.TO closed @ $4.07
CVV.V closed @ .17
Will be watching for unusual volume & pullbacks this morning. Remember news without volume is just another story untold.
Get your Drilling / Discovery Updates at Stock Research Portal
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 4, 2009
Colossus Minerals Inc.’s Check Assays Yield Higher Precious Metal Grades
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 4, 2009) - Colossus Minerals Inc. ("Colossus") (TSX:CSI) is pleased to announce the results of check assays for gold, platinum and palladium as well as new full platinum group elements (PGE's) suite assays on Phase I drilled materials from the Serra Pelada Project, the Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture located in Para State, Brazil.
Prev Close | Open | Hi | Low | Close | Shares Traded | Daily Avg Traded |
2.93 | 2.99 | 3.35 | 2.85 | 3.31 | 574,000 | 316,000 |
NOTE: I didn’t blog about this one, it was released mid day and started to make some moves after the $3.00 level. I suspect it may have legs tomorrow and push higher. The share price moves very well, if there is significant volume tomorrow it could easily push towards $4.00
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 4, 2009
COMMERCE RESOURCES - CCE.V @ .44 on 1 million shares traded
CCE caught my attention first as a story stock through their recent corporate video. It's a pretty amazing Canadian story in my opinion. But a story with no volume is just another story. Today I also noticed some volume coming in and the stock moved from .40 to .48 and has since pulled back a bit.
I believe there is drilling news expected in the coming weeks and that may be part of the interest driving the volume today. In any event, the video is worth a watch.
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 4, 2009
OREX EXPLPRATION - OX.V @ .17 on 494,000 shares traded
Good volume early based on expected press conference later this morning
UC RESOURCES - UC.V @ .125 on 478,000 shares traded
Good volume also based on news of drilling announcement this morning.
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.>>> Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits - Special Offer
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Canadian Stock Alerts - August 1, 2009
CENTURY MINING CORP - CMM.V @ .155 on 352,000 shares traded
Management will host a conference call on Tuesday, August 4 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time (12:00 p.m. Eastern time) to discuss the details of this press release. Mining analysts, investors and the media are invited to phone 1-888-730-9135, or 1-517-308-9062 if outside Canada and the U.S.A., followed by the pass code 5655722 approximately 5 minutes before the start of management's presentation. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. A replay of the conference call can be heard through Friday, August 14 by dialing 1-800-704-0516, or from outside North America 1-203-369-3323.
OREX EXPLORATION INC - OX.V @ .14 on 611,000 shares traded
MONTREAL, CANADA--(Marketwire - July 28, 2009) - OREX EXPLORATION INC. (TSX VENTURE:OX - News; FRANKFURT:O5D - News) would like to inform its shareholders that it will hold a conference call on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, beginning at 11:30 a.m. EDT. Mark Billings, President and CEO of Orex, and the Company's geological team will answer questions from selected analysts. The dial-in coordinates are as follows:
North America: 1-800-950-1454 Other: +1 212 231 2902
There will be a short question and answer session following management's presentation.
There is a link below to my Best Stock Alerts For Easy Profits. And there is a special limited time offer on right now. I have knocked off $100.00 .. click the link for details.
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